Vision Boards
So what is Vision Boarding?
My Coaching Business (fig 1)
Vision Boards are a wonderful motivational tool where you can see your dreams, values and goals which inspires you to achieve the life you want.
My Creative Self (fig 2)
Vision Boards are great way to explore our desires, goals and dreams. It can show us a picture of how we would like to live or be as images stimulate the brain and bring forth an ongoing change in the direction we want to go. It's a fully immersive experience, from choosing a theme to scrolling through images online or flicking through magazines. Your board becomes a visual aid for motivation and inspiration. It is fun and creative, and time for yourself.
Transition (fig 3)
Vision Boards can be used for numerous goal setting or 'future you' wants. For example they can be used to put down plans for the coming year and what you want to achieve or set 2, 3 or 5 year plans.
If you want to get fit or eat healthy, images, quotes and mantras can be used on your board to keep you focused and to visualize yourself eating more healthy and how this will improve your well being.
Do you have great travel plans or a bucket list? Maybe your dream is to visit 10 different countries by the time you are 30, 40 or 50. Perhaps you want to take a road trip around the UK, Europe or the USA. Creating a vision board is the first step to making your dreams come to reality, visulaiing yourself in these places, how you would feel what you would learn and the adventures you would have, keeps you on track.
Another great use for a vision board is a make over or change of image. This is a real self-care exercise, sifting through pictures online or in magazines for new hair styles, clothes, shoes etc and when you see the images in front of you on a daily basis it gives you the motivation, energy and excitement to realise your dream.
Fig 1 - My Coaching Business - This was my first collage I completed during my coaching training.
Fig 2 - My Creative Self - Here I looked at being creative and how I could incorporate my creative self into my daily life.
Fig 3 - Transition - I looked at how far I'd come in my collage and coaching training, and how to transition to the next step in my career.
© 2019